One of the most valuable benefits of LIFT is its long-term nature, which enables learning and experience gained on one project to be carried forward to the next. Against the backdrop of a dynamic health and social care market, BaS LIFT has continued to adapt and evolve, strengthening the way it operates to meet the diverse needs of its clients. This includes developing facilities that support the co-location of services and encourage cross-sector working.

Speed, efficiency and access to specialist services

The aim of BaS LIFT is to deliver property and estate solutions that are cost effective, increase service integration and improve efficiency. This can be achieved through a range of activities, from the provision and maintenance of high quality buildings, to refurbishing existing facilities and offering consultancy services to maximise service outcomes and ensure value for money. Whether an NHS Trust requires advice and support on improving the capacity and quality of its healthcare estate, or a GP practice is looking for a premises solution to meet its clinical aims, BaS LIFT can provide specialist property and investment expertise and is a source of vital health and social care estates knowledge.

A pre-approved NHS procurement route, saving time and increasing efficiency

  • A ready-made, flexible supply chain
  • The source for local healthcare estates knowledge
  • Facilitates partnership working and integration of services
  • Flexibility and agility for a changing health economy
  • Services provided on a call-off basis


Mission & values

BaS LIFT is committed:

To work with our partners to secure and provide high quality and cost effective infrastructure needed to deliver modern health and care services.


Six core values define its approach:

  • Value for money
  • Transparency
  • Quality
  • Commitment
  • Sustainability
  • Flexibility